Ministry Education

RHEMA Education

The following are courses that Reverend Brown was taught at RHEMA Bible Training College:

First Year


  1. Old Testament Men of Faith: M-W-F
  2. Blood Covenant: M-W-F
  3. Faith Library I (Taught by Kenneth Hagin: M-W-F)
  4. Bible Doctrines: T-TH
  5. Praise Life: T-TH
  6. The Holy Spirit: T-TH


  1. Life of Christ: M-W-F
  2. Practical Ministries: M-W-F
  3. Foundations for Faith: M-W-F
  4. Introduction to Missions: T-TH
  5. Righteousness: T-TH
  6. Faith Library II (Taught by Kenneth Hagin): T-TH


  1. Christ The Healer: M-W-F
  2. Bible Interpretation (Hermeneutics): M-W-F
  3. New Testament Survey: M-W-F
  4. Fruit of The Spirit: T-TH
  5. Johannine Epistles: T-TH
  6. Faith Library III (Taught by Kenneth Hagin): T-TH


  1. Communications (Homiletics: the study of the making of sermons and Bible teachings and how to effectively communicate them); M-W-F
  2. Old Testament Survey: M-W-F
  3. Faith Library IV (Taught by Kenneth Hagin: M-W-F)
  4. God’s Laws of Giving: T-TH
  5. Understanding Grace; T-TH
  6. Charismatic Perspective: T-TH [This was a course about the ministry biographies of some of the most powerful ministers and ministries of the 20th century and the about the great moves of the Holy Spirit in the 20th century]

Second Year


  1. Ephesians; M-W-F
  2. Ministry of Missions: M-W-F
  3. Missions Lab 1: M-W-F [A class were each student ministers for 10 -15 minutes]
  4. Missionary Family: T-TH
  5. Ministry to Children and Youth: T-TH
  6. Faith Library V (Taught by Kenneth Hagin: T-TH)


  1. Church History: M-W-F
  2. Angels & Demons: M-W-F
  3. Faith Library VI (Taught by Kenneth Hagin: M-W-F)
  4. Eschatology (The study of the end times): T-TH
  5. Missions And The Word: T-TH
  6. Gospel of John: T-TH


  1. Counseling: M-W-F
  2. Submission & Authority: M-W-F
  3. Faith Library VII (Taught by Kenneth Hagin: M-W-F)
  4. Doctrines of The Church: T-TH
  5. The Minister’s Family: T-TH
  6. Home Missions (For us it was Missions Outreaches to Native Americans): T-TH


  1. Ministerial Excellence; M-W-F
  2. Fasting & Intercession: M-W-F
  3. Missions Lab 2: M-W-F [A class were each student ministers for 10 -15 minutes]
  4. Personal Evangelism: T-TH
  5. Preparation for Ministry: T-TH
  6. Faith Library VIII (Taught by Kenneth Hagin: T-TH)

Topics that we were taught by Brother Kenneth E. Hagin included the following (These are also the titles of the textbooks that we read of books authored by Brother Hagin):

  1. What Faith Is, How To Turn Your Faith Loose, The Real Faith & New Thresholds of Faith
  2. Right & Wrong Thinking
  3. Growing Up Spiritually
  4. Concerning Spiritual Gifts & The Ministry Gifts
  5. Origin and Operation of Demons, Demons and How to Deal with Them, Ministering to the Oppressed, Bible Answers to Man’s Questions on Demons & The Believer’s Authority
  6. How to Be Led by The Spirit
  7. Man on Three Dimensions & The Human Spirit
  8. Art of Intercession/Art of Prayer & A Commonsense Guide to Fasting

He was also an employee at Rhema for 10 years and served as a volunteer there. 

His work and volunteer experience there includes the following:

  1. Housekeeping – Assistant Supervisor of a 35-person department.
  2. Word Partner Club phone caller
  3. Youth Ministry
  4. Children’s Ministry
  5. Nursery
  6. Rhema Rangers (An outdoor boys program for boys ages 6 to 15 that also had a strong emphasis on the Bible, prayer, Christian character, physical fitness, achievement badges and certificates, team work, etc.)
  7. Middle School of The Bible (Kind of like a Sunday School Class)
  8. Married School of The Bible (Kind of like a Sunday School Class)
  9. Set and Tear Down for church services in the Rhema gym until the new church building was built
  10. Prayer Team/Prayer Group
  11. Choir

Bible Courses

Bible Courses Taught by Reverend Brown

Here is a List of Bible Courses Rev. Larry Brown Has Taught on Five Continents, in Bible Colleges, Conferences And Seminars

  1. Believer’s Authority
  2. Bible Research and Study Methods
  3. Bible Interpretation/Hermeneutics
  4. Bible Doctrines 
  5. Change and Transition 
  6. Christian Counseling 
  7. Christian Character 
  8. Creation & Evolution
  9. Favor/The Favor of God 
  10. Divine Healing
  11. Established, Strengthened, Perfected and Settled 
  12. Evangelism & Outreach
  13. Fruit of the Spirit
  14. Ephesians
  15. Faith/Faith Foundations/Principles Of Faith 
  16. Faithfulness 
  17. False Religions & Cults (with a strong focus on Islam) 
  18. Galatians
  19. Grace/Understanding Grace 
  20. Great Themes in Evangelistic Preaching 
  21. Growing up Spiritually 
  22. How To Be Led By The Spirit/Divine Guidance
  23. Leadership/Christian Leadership/Principles of Leadership
  24. Ministry Gifts and Callings (The 5-Fold Ministry Offices)
  25. Ministerial Excellence
  26. New Creation Realities 
  27. New Testament Survey I 
  28. New Testament Survey 2
  29. Old Testament Survey 2
  30. Praise and Worship 
  31. Prosperity/Biblical Prosperity
  32. Renewing the Mind
  33. Righteousness/Understanding Righteousness
  34. The Gospel of John 
  35. The Ministry of Helps/Supportive Ministry 
  36. Traveling Ministry (Itinerate Ministry) 
  37. Spiritual Growth
  38. Submission & Authority
  39. What to Do After You’re Prophesied To & Prophetic Responsibility 
  40. World Missions 
  41. Youth & Children’s Ministry


Some of the Locations include Rhema Bible Training Centers in the USA, Columbia, Mexico, Zambia, Egypt, and Thailand. Other Bible schools include locations in Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Austria and England. The nations include the continents of North America, South America, Asia, Africa and Europe.