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Hello Everyone,

Thank you so much for your support. It is really making a difference. Larry returned from Ethiopia in East Africa in June. He was gone for about 11 weeks (10 weeks in Ethiopia, with a 5 day stopover in DC). He had a very busy, but fruitful trip. Below are the details of the trip. The newsletter is mostly photos of what God was doing while he was there.

Ethiopia Mission Trip Spring 2013




Larry’s recent Ethiopia trip was March 27th – June 5th. He went there to teach at Victory Bible College (VBC) Ethiopia again in the city of Addis Ababa. This year’s graduation was on June 1st where 142 students graduated with a diploma from the 2 year program. This was the 1st year for night school students to graduate. Below are classroom pictures of VBC, day and night students.




During the 8 week, 4th term at Victory Bible College Ethiopia, Larry taught 7 courses, 6 days a week. He taught about 3 hours per morning, Monday-Friday; 1 and 1/2 hours, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday nights; and 3 hours on Saturday afternoons.


Ministry to Muslims




Pictured above and below are photos of a predominately Muslim region of Ethiopia. Larry has been doing an outreach there for the past 4 ½ years. Our ministry has been helping support a school for 163 children there that one of the VBC grads started. That has led to open doors of ministry for Larry there. Over the course of Larry’s visits around 300 people have come to Christ. The pictures here are of an Easter weekend outreach that he did. In the outreach approximately 300 people were fed a full meal and the gospel was again preached.




The man Larry is holding in the photo below accepted Christ. Prior to the service, he had been the main persecutor of the VBC grad’s school outreach there. Everybody was excited when this man boldly and publicly accepted Christ. It was a glorious time!!!




Youth Ministry


Below are photos from some of the Saturday youth ministry in Ethiopia. Saturday morning Larry did 3 hours of training for pastors,church workers & parents on ministry to children and teens. That afternoon he and his team had a big youth rally for the youth. 15 to 20 churches were involved in the program that day. The host church’s youth group has increased by 75% since the conference!




Church Services




Larry ministered in church services throughout his time in Ethiopia. The power of the gospel manifested in salvations & rededications, instant healings, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the joy of the Lord being restored, prophetic ministry and more. Below are photos from some of those services. Larry ministered in 4 different cities, towns or villages in Ethiopia.




Helping Widows and Fatherless


Over the past 4 years our ministry has been partnering with another VBC graduate who ministers to 200 widows and fatherless children in Ethiopia. We have helped buy school uniforms for the children and other needed items for them and their families. On Easter Sunday we blessed the 200 plus with a wonderful Easter meal. In addition to that, children were awarded with various practical prizes and awards. Everyone in attendance was thrilled. We were also able to help about 40 widows get started in small businesses. We were also able to help 10 of the boys start shoe shine businesses. We are thanking God for all of his wonderful grace for this provision.



US Travels

Over the summer months Larry’s ministry schedule has included ministry in Washington DC, California, Louisiana and Oklahoma. In August he has ministry in New York and Oklahoma. In late August and early September he and our daughter Larissa will travel and minister together in Mississippi and Louisiana.

Next Mission Trip

Larry is scheduled to minister again at Victory Bible College Ethiopia in mid-September. Airfare for the trip is between $1,400.00 and $1,900.00. If you would like to help with this expense or with any of the ongoing outreaches we do there, or with any of his other mission trip expenses, or with our general ministry support, here is some information for you.
· Trip Departure Date: September 11th, 2013 (approximate)
· Destination: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
· Purpose of Trip: Teaching at Victory Bible College, ministering in churches, and ministry in various outreaches

How to Donate:

  • Make out and mail checks or money orders to Turning Point Ministries at the address found under the Contact tab above.
  • Go to www.paypal.com and donate to larry@turningpointmin.org
  • Use the Giving Online tab above to give online using PayPal or Credit/Debit Cards


Thank you all for what you do, have done and will do financially, prayerfully, technically, materially, in practical service and more. We are very grateful.

Larry & Yolanda Brown