Dear Family and Friends,
2022 was a year of some very new experiences with mission trips for the first time to Egypt, Lebanon, and Turkey. I also traveled to Zambia again, and while there crossed the border into Zimbabwe for the first time. In Turkey, I filled in for some missionary pastors while they were in the USA, by ministering in 3 Sunday services and some Wednesday night services for them. We experienced some wonderful moves of the Holy Spirit. A lot of ministry also took place in the homes of the church members.
In Zambia and Egypt, I ministered in churches and taught at the Rhema Bible Training Centers in those countries. In Lebanon, I did ministry for Go Church Beirut’s small groups and they arranged for me to also minister in some churches of other ministries in Lebanon. Above are photos from my time in Egypt.

2022 was my first time ministering in predominately Muslim countries (Turkey 96-99% Muslim, Egypt 85%-95 % Muslim, Lebanon 63% Muslim). As you may well imagine, there were certain precautions I had to take while in those countries. And there is certain information that I will not share online nor by newsletter regarding my time in those countries. That being said, I had some wonderful times of ministry in those nations.
I was also able to sightsee during all of those mission trips. I do not always have an opportunity for that, but on all of my overseas trips last year, I did. I was in Turkey in March. I was in Zambia and Zimbabwe for part of April and May. And I was on my Egypt and Lebanon trip for part of June and July. Above are photos from two churches that I ministered at in Beirut, Lebanon, where there were wonderful moves of the Holy Spirit.

Above are some photos of my time in Turkey. We had some wonderful moves of the Holy Spirit there too.

Above are some photos from my time in Zambia.
• Location & Ministry: Rhema Bible Training Center, Lusaka, Zambia
• Dates: May 5 – 22
• Cost: approximately $1,800.00. You can make checks out to Turning Point Ministries, P.O. Box 2981, Broken Arrow, OK 74013-2981.
You can give online under our “Giving Online” tab.
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As I always say, no amount is too small and no amount is too big when it is what God puts on your heart to give. I would definitely appreciate your prayers for all of my ministry travels. I am also praying about a mission trip to Thailand, where my missionary daughter, Larissa, serves with Life Impact International.
Thanks for taking the time to read my latest newsletter.
Love & Blessings,
Brother Larry Brown